
Endoscopy Training Programs

(English) We work closely with different training groups in the region developed by experienced and passionate endoscopists, dedicated to deliver training and education programs to younger generations, providing their expertise as well as creating opportunities for young endoscopists to thrive and succeed through skill enhancement and best practice sharing.


Asian Pacific Society for Digestive Endoscopy

The Asian Pacific Society for Digestive Endoscopy, A-PSDE, represents member societies of endoscopy in the Asian Pacific region and is associated with the Asian Pacific Association of Gastroenterology. Committed to conducting training programmes for endoscopists in the region since 2004,  its members and expert faculties will continue to teach and impact young endoscopists.

Social media connections:


A-PSDE Learning Studio:


Asian EUS Group


Asian EUS Group (AEG) is an academic interest group, registered as a Not-for-Profit society in Singapore since September 2013. It comprises of world-class Health Care Professionals (“HCP”) and advanced facilities in Asia, with the aspiration to promote EUS training and education in the Asia-Pacific region, support the professional development of endosonographers in the Asia-Pacific region, and foster collaborative research in EUS in Asian region.

Social media connections:



Asian Novel Bio-Imaging and Intervention Group


The Asian Novel Bio-Imaging and Intervention Group (ANBIIG) was formed in 2014 aiming at promoting and standardizing training of early gastrointestinal cancer diagnosis and therapy in Asia Pacific region. More than 9000 HCPs have attended in >130 workshops since establishment.

Social media connections:


Asian Pacific Interventional Pulmonology Alliance


Established in 2018, APIPA is a group of trainers who aims to promote interventional pulmonology techniques and bring the training to Asia Pacific region.

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