Training Centers
Key to the success of Olympus Continuum are state-of-the-art training centers home to hands-on experiences led by worldwide experts in medical technology, procedural innovations, and patient care. Within these facilities, physicians, nurses, techs, and biomeds can take part in immersive learning and training made even more valuable through direct access to today’s newest innovations in medical technology.
中国, 北京
Olympus China Medical Training & Education Center Beijing (C-TEC北京)
中国, 上海
Olympus China Medical Training & Education Center Shanghai (C-TEC上海)
中国, 広州
Olympus China Medical Training & Education Center Guangzhou (C-TEC広州)
タイ, バンコク
Olympus Thai - Training & Education Center (T-TEC)
韓国, 松島新都市(仁川)
Olympus Korea Medical Training & Education Center (K-TEC)
日本, 東京都八王子市
Medical Training & Education Center (M-TEC)
オーストラリア, メルボルン
LIVE Melbourne
オーストラリア, シドニー
LIVE Sydney
ニュージーランド, オークランド
LIVE Auckland
ハンブルク, ドイツ
Europe, Middle East & Africa Training & Education Center (E-TEC)
ロシア, モスクワ
Olympus Moscow Training & Education Center
アラブ首長国連邦, ドバイ
Olympus Dubai Training & Education Center
アメリカ, ペンシルベニア州
Luke Calcraft Medical Learning Center, Olympus Center Valley
アメリカ, マサチューセッツ州
Olympus Training Center Westborough
アメリカ, ミネソタ州
Surgical Innovation Center, Olympus Brooklyn Park
カナダ, トロント
Olympus Canada Inc. Training and Education Center
メキシコ, メキシコシティ
Olympus Mexico, Training & Education Center