
(English) Surgical Training Programs

(English) There are many experienced and passionate surgeons dedicated to develop next generation leaders through training and education. They formed different training groups in Asia Pacific according to their specialty, Olympus Asia Pacific Medical and Scientific Affairs Department work closely with them through direct engagement, monetary support and collaborations to deliver training programs as well as creating opportunities for young surgeons to thrive and to be successful through skill enhancement and best practice sharing.

Asian Urological Surgery Training & Education Group


AUSTEG was officially founded and registered in Hong Kong on November 2015. AUSTEG aims to enhance professional competencies and advance the standard of urological surgery in Asia, through comprehensive training program and well equipped training facilities, nurture and cultivate the next generation of urologists and urology nurses in Asia through the sharing of experience and deliberate practice.

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Asia Pacific Endo-Lap Surgery Group


APELS is a leading medical academic group in endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery in Asia Pacific region. It aims to cultivate and promotes intensive learning culture to enhance professional competencies and improve skills in endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery in the Asia-Pacific region to meet the ever-changing challenges in today’s clinical area.

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Asia Pacific Gynaecological Endoscopy Training Group


APGET promotes and develops training and education programs for gynaecological endoscopy surgery. It was founded as a non- profit organization by a group of internationally renowned experts in gynaecological endoscopic surgery (GES) from the Asia Pacific region. Our goal is to assist gynecologists in enhancing skills and promoting best practices by operating gynaecological endoscopy training courses across the Asia Pacific region.

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Asia Pacific Otorhinolarynglologic Surgical Training Group


APOST is a non-profit organization established by leading otorhinolaryngologists with the mission of promoting training education of otorhinolaryngologic surgery with practical value and contemporary principles and techniques in the Asia-Pacific Region. The goals of APOST including learning facilitation, procedural and surgical skill demonstration and assess clinical performance for continuous development.

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Mekong Endo-Surgery Development Association


MESDA is a non-profit organization, aiming to disseminate and promote endoscopic surgical operations in the Mekong region (Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand) established in Thailand. MESDA is endorsed by various Japan official bodies including Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Medical Excellence Japan (MEF) and other medical society aiming at advocating Japan’s excellent medical equipment as well as providing training and educational activities for local doctors.

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ELSA Outreach Programme

Outreach Programme

ELSA Outreach Programme was formed in 2011 with a specific focus to develop and support Surgical Training in Minimally Invasive Surgery in Developing Countries. The programme has a 3 to 5 years goal “to train the future trainer” through a structured programme that range from Basic Endosurgical Skills Courses to Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Course, proctorship and fellowship in MIS.

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