In addition to our vast selection of learning opportunities and our comprehensive Global Learning Library, Olympus Continuum offers you a variety of valuable resources that can help strengthen your standard of care.
GET UP u Hamburgu
GET UP je izobraževanje namenjeno mladim ginekologom, ki so zadnji letnik specijalizacije ali prvi letnik po specializaciji.
Katalog tečajev za Evropo, Bližnji vzhod in Afriko
Raziščite naše programe usposabljanj za zdravstvene delavce
Olympusovo spletno mesto za preprečevanje okužb v endoskopiji
S to platformo Olympus zagotavlja informacije na področjih nadzora okužb, ponovne obdelave in mikrobiologije, pri čemer združuje praktične nasvete in usposabljanje na podlagi podatkov s kliničnimi in znanstvenimi informacijami ter raziskavami.
Laparoskopski program Prestige
Celoviti in s prakso usmerjeni moduli za krepitev vaših kirurških veščin
Endoscopy Training Programs
(English) We work closely with regional training groups developed by experienced and passionate Endoscopists, dedicated to deliver training and education programs to younger generations.
(English) Surgical Training Programs
(English) Together with surgeons dedicated to develop next-generation leaders, we support training groups to deliver training programs and create opportunities for young surgeons to thrive and succeed through skill enhancement and best practice sharing.
(English) Society Collaboration
(English) We collaborate with many regional organizations and societies in Asia Pacific with the common goal to improve medical care, enhance users experience, foster education efforts and develop diverse training programs.
(English) Olympus Technology
(English) Product innovation at Olympus, and the eventual commercialization of all Olympus products, is rooted in the company's policy of developing advanced technologies with the next 10 years in mind.
(English) Instruction for Use
(English) Olympus Grants
(English) Grants can be given for medical education programs or patient-benefiting programs related to conditions or treatments for which Olympus products are used.
(English) Olympus Grants
(English) Grants can be given for medical education programs or patient-benefiting programs related to conditions or treatments for which Olympus products are used.
COVID-19 Resources
Informational and medical resources and information on financial support, healthcare and research support, community outreach, and employee support.
Klinični informacijski portal
Dokazi za Olympusove izdelke
Klinični informacijski portal
Dokazi za Olympusove izdelke
(English) ASGE Diagnostic EUS
ProgramHeld in collaboration with ASGE, our Diagnostic EUS Training course is focused on helping endoscopists achieve competency in diagnostic EUS.
(English) Interactive Duodenoscope
Learning ModuleDesigned specifically for the Olympus TJF-Q180V, this no-charge learning experience provides the user with a deeper understanding of reprocessing.
Klinični informacijski portal
Dokazi za Olympusove izdelke
(English) Clinical Information Portal
(English) Evidence for Olympus products
EUREP v Pragi
Vodilni učni program, ki je na voljo izključno za urološke rezidente, ki so v zadnjem letniku
On-Demand Library
Ekskluzivna izbira dragocenega izobraževalnega gradiva, vključno z navodili za uporabo, videoposnetki za usposabljanje, komunikacijskih kanalov in še več